WordPress 3.8

wordpress 3.8Know what's great about WordPress? The developers behind this site are constantly trying to make WordPress better for everyone that uses it. And, if your'e one of the many that use WordPress, you'll benefit from what WordPress has created this time around – even if it is a bit more frivolous than actually useful.

Let's jump in, shall we?

New WordPress 3.8 Admin Customization Options

Looking at a WordPress UI can be boring, right? Well, WordPress doesn't want your experience to be boring in any way. So, one of the latest updates that coincides with WordPress version 3.8 is an all new UI. What's so new about it?

You can now set up your UI to look flat (kind of like all the rest of the development world has been doing now). You can also choose from eight new color schemes that will have you yearning to look at your WordPress dashboard instead of dreading opening up something so dreary (ok, maybe not yearning, but it's still more appealing).

What Else Is New?

Lots! Here's a rundown:

  • The new default font in WordPress is now Open Sans (which is much more appealing, by the way).
  • Icons that load super fast have been added instead of images (yay!).
  • Eight different color scheme options are available (as mentioned above).
  • This interface is just way faster. Really, this is a big deal for those that have tired of previous slow interfaces.
  • The new default theme is Twenty Fourteen – and it's a gorgeous, magazine-style, theme.

WordPress has also made some bug fixes. So, all in all, the changes to the new WordPress are definitely welcomed chances – and they have been a long time coming. If you haven't upgraded yet, make sure that you do so.

Why Upgrade?

Not only can you tap into all those new goodies, but you will also be able to prevent any major site attacks or other issues. When you don't upgrade, you are setting your site up to be vulnerable, so do keep this in mind when it comes to speculating whether or not you want to spend the time to upgrade.

Why wouldn't you want to upgrade to these new things, any way? WordPress has done a great job this time around. Granted, the last update wasn't anything special, but this one is really going to knock your socks off. So, if you are currently running WordPress on your site, get in there and upgrade. It just takes a minute, but you'll be happy you did (and you can play with pretty colors, who doesn't like that?).

Need help with the new WordPress options? Can't chance the UI color? Let me know, and I'll be happy to help you out!

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