Monthly Archives

September 2013

Hosting Services

Web Hosting Companies Offering Support on Twitter

6 Examples of Web Hosting Companies Offering Support on Twitter Whenever your website has an issue, whether it’s loading slowly or not responding at all, you want support. And you want it immediately. Of course, there are times that you can’t stop what you’re doing to call the support number,…
Kristi Hines
September 23, 2013

LinkedIn Says No to NSA

LinkedIn Says No to NSA We have covered the NSA story extensively on this site. Typically, businesses that have been contacted by the NSA are on one side or the other, and so far social networks have stood up to government requests for private information. Today, you can add another…
September 20, 2013
cloud hostingHosting Services

Why the Cloud Isn’t Sliced Bread

Cloud Isn't Sliced Bread There's no shortage of positive information about cloud storage. But, few sites will tell you why you shouldn't go the cloud route. The fact is that cloud storage might not be for everyone. There are some good reasons why cloud might not be for you. Take…
September 20, 2013
Hosting Services

When The Web Hands You Lemons…

Web Hands You Lemons: So, you've just started a web hosting business. The flashy web page is live, and you're sitting back waiting for the orders to come in. And waiting. And waiting. What gives? Why haven't your profits taken off? Truth is, you probably aren't exploring all options to…
Khristen Foss
September 20, 2013
cloud hostingHosting Services

What’s A Private Cloud?

Every business magazine this month seems to have picked up on one buzzword: private cloud. Wondering what a private cloud is? You aren't alone. This is one buzzword that has gotten a lot of press, but it's still something that most people don't understand. Here's a closer look at the…
September 19, 2013