Economical Impact of Cloud Hosting

You can't escape the cloud. It seems wherever you look, cloud-based services are being boasted, from smartphones to new PCs. Web hosting services are no different, and a recent Forbes article sheds light on another great use for the technology: boosting the economy. It seems that cloud hosting might just be the best website hosting option if you're trying to grow a new business. Impact of Cloud Hosting

It makes perfect sense, really. A recent study conducted by Rackspace Hosting and Manchester Business School in the UK explains why this is the case, and indicates that the cloud is opening the door for all kinds of startups to build and maintain online space at an affordable rate.

Cost Savings

When your company relies on cloud hosting versus traditional hosting options, you're realizing savings. Think about it: you don't need to hire IT professionals, nor do you need to purchase pricey computer systems or specialized software.

Startup Ally

Another bonus: you're saving the time and manpower required to plan out your IT needs. If you turn to cloud hosting instead, no planning is needed. No more worrying about necessary storage space while trying to choose a web hosting package. Pay for what you use, and enjoy the ease of on-demand access to your data.

This is especially valuable to a startup. There's already so much to think about, plan for, and document. Why add another item to the list when you can simply rely on the cloud right from the start? The best web hosting option for a startup is one that saves you money in expensive servers, specialized software, and technicians to maintain it all for you on a daily basis.

This empowers entrepreneurs with the ability to start their business sooner than they would if they relied on traditional web hosting companies. With less to be purchased and planned, more money can be spent hiring capable people. In turn, this lowers the unemployment rate.

Existing Companies Benefit, Too

It isn't just startups that can benefit from the cost savings of cloud hosting. One of the things that makes cloud hosting lucrative for large, well established businesses: growing your business with less hoops for employees to jump through. When your employees are in the midst of designing new products and services, cloud hosting reduces the expenses typically requiring IT or financial approval, which will likely inspire your employees to be innovators more often. Who wants to pitch a new product only to play the waiting game at key stages in its development? Only to be denied in the end because a lack of funds won't allow the idea to progress any further? It's the best web hosting option for innovators.

Do Businesses Agree?

Although the survey mentioned above is enlightening, there could be a bit of bias in the results: the project was funded by a cloud provider. Another survey by The Open Group indicates that numerous executives aren't so sure about cloud hosting, simply because it's difficult to predict ROI.

Regardless of this fact, of those that choose cloud hosting, two thirds believe their IT costs have come down significantly. The main area of savings: not needing complicated IT infrastructure.

Companies relying on cloud hosting also reported that there was a savings of time, which, in turn, increased productivity.

Impact of Cloud Hosting: The Bottomline

Cloud hosting is a great way for any business, regardless of size, to meet their IT needs. Is this the best web hosting option for your business or startup? Do a little research, and compare the two. You might be surprised to see how much you can save.

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