Design Site Buttons

Design Site ButtonsWhen you're working on designing your hosting website, you may be tempted to play around with buttons. Buttons are a great thing, and they are also one of the only things that will get readers to convert into buyers. You can't have a site without buttons, but it's not quite that simple either.

When it comes to button, there are some rules that you should live by. What are those rules? Let's take a look.

Why Are You Hiding?

I never understand why some designers want to hide buttons. If a button is the one thing on your site that will get a user to buy your product, why would you hide it? Sometimes, designers create buttons that look like photographs or other designs. Don't do that. Just create a regular button that, you know, looks like a button.

Why Don't Words Matter?

How many different ways can you possibly ask someone to click on a button? All of those popular phrases (like ‘click here') have already been used a thousand times. So, I'm going to recommend something different: don't use the same words. Use different words that stick out. You'll find that people are far more likely to click on a button that stands out. Why? Because it's unique.

Answer A Question or Solve a Problem

What do people that visit your blog want? They want information, or they want to know how to buy a product right? So, try to create a call to action that answers that problem. Try ‘learn how to become a great marketer' instead of ‘click here.' It stands out, it's helpful, and it will please the person actually learning how to be a better marketer.

Don't Make It Confusing

It's really frustrating when a site is filled with so many different fonts, letters, lines, and buttons that you don't know where to click. Make sure that your buttons are surrounded by white space, and that any CTA you create is easy to understand. Why mess with people's eyes when they visit your site? When you create a clean site that's simple, conversions will happen quickly.

Design Site Buttons: Promise Something

The number one thing that people want to see when visit a website is a site that they can trust. Put some kind of trigger underneath your button or next to it. What are triggers? Something like a client testimonials, a kind of rating, or something else that inspires confidence in your product. It's kind of like pushing people to click on your button, in a trusting and kind way.

Buttons shouldn't be overlooked, but every web hosting site design needs a button. If you're working on how to design site buttons, keep these tips in mind – and, hey, why not show us your handiwork?

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