Free Domain Name Trap

monoy Free Domain Name TrapDoes cheap web hosting with free domain name options sound like a dream come true to you? There's a reason why thousands of people search for this term! But, before you click on that first site you come across, be very, very, careful!

Web hosting providers know that you don't want to pay much for a host, and that you want a free domain name. Guess what this adds up to? Trouble. Here are some of the five (what? there are that many?) most common cheap web hosting/free domain name traps.

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Free Domain name

  1. A Name With A Dash : don't add a dash to your website domain name. It might seem like a good idea, but dashes are tough for people to recall. Some free hosting sites will provide you with a site, but take a pass. It is far better to use “CamelCase” domain names.
  2. The Very Shot Name : is your hosting site offering you a domain name with a limit? This isn't a good idea either. Sure, shorter domain names are easier to remember, but a domain name that's too short can just be confusing.
  3. Free, free, free ! Not so fast. In the domain name world, free isn't exactly free. What do I mean? Read that fine print. Then, call the company to make sure, and double sure, that you own your domain name. Further, make sure you can take it with you when (and if) you decide to move domains. If not, purchase your own.
  4. The computer generated name. Some companies will provide you with a domain name that is computer generated. You don't want this kind of a name. You want to create a name that works with your site and your business. Sure, that name might be free, but that doesn't mean that it's a good name to go with! Be on the safe side, and choose a domain name that is all yours.
  5. Paying a premium. Sometimes, a host will provide you with a domain name that's all wrapped up in a pretty hosting package – a cheap one. Well, the problem here is that you may be paying a lot more for that name that's part of the package deal. Domain names aren't that expensive to purchase, so see where the packaged name weighs in monetarily.

In the end, a domain name shouldn't cost you more than a few dollars, in most cases. Is it really worth falling for a cheap web hosting with free domain name trap for a few bucks? I think not! Not sure if that site is worth it? If you have questions or concerns about a site, let me know here. I'll make sure to conduct some reason for you, and let you know if you are about to fall into a cheap web hosting with free domain name trap!


  • We’ve been finding web hosts that enables us in making/choosing the domain name we really wanted on our site.
    Thanks for the information

  • These are helpful tips, especially the dash tip. I have a domain name with a dash and this may be why I’m not getting many hiits. I’ve been at this business for while and this is one of the best articles I’ve come across. I may redo my entire web site and domain name to start off on a better track. Thanks.

  • Stephannie Harney says:

    This is some great information as I have been looking for cheap web hosting and a free domain. Some of these free or cheap sites are serious traps! Thanks for the heads up!

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