Cheap Hosting Helps WAHM's Become Breadwinners

Cheap Hosting Helps WAHM's Become Breadwinners

A recent Pew Research Center study highlights an important milestone for women in America: 40 percent of households with children have a working mom as the top breadwinner in their household. This is a big jump from the mere 11 percent back in 1960.

It isn't just single moms, either. An increasing number of households have a married mother earning more than that of her husband. What does this survey mean for the future of families everywhere?

Cheap Hosting Helps WAHM's Become Breadwinners: Change Is A Good (And Bad) Thing

“This change is just another milestone in the dramatic transformation we have seen in family structure and family dynamic over the past 50 years or so,” said the associate director with the Pew Social & Demographic Trends Project, Kim Parker. “Women's roles have changed, marriage rates have declined — the family looks a lot different than it used to. The rise of breadwinner moms highlights the fact that, not only are more mothers balancing work and family these days, but the economic contributions mothers are making to their households have grown immensely.”

Approximately 79 percent of Americans believe women are in the right place, and shun the idea of women returning to their more traditional place, the home. However, only 21 percent of respondents feel that mothers of young children in the workplace is a good thing for society as a whole. In fact, 3 out of 4 of those adults polled feel the increasing amount of women in the workplace has made it more difficult for parents to raise their children.

Cheap Hosting Helps WAHM's Become Breadwinners: The Rise Of The At-Home Business

Thanks to free and cheap web hosting, more women are starting up their own at-home business. There are no statistics available yet as to just how many of the 10.1 million women-run businesses in the US are actually owned by a stay-at-home mom, but with the rising number of homes with Wi-Fi, it has the potential to be quite high.

“Over 90 percent of the moms we've interviewed said the desire for family flexibility is the number-one reason they work from home,” according to Ellen Parlapiano, co-founder of in an interview with Parents magazine. “Another big change we've seen in the past 15 years is acceptance. In the past, moms have been reluctant to tell clients they work from home. Now it's commonplace, even respectable.”

Cheap Hosting Helps WAHM's Become Breadwinners: More Than Arts & Crafts

In the early days, the majority of home based, mom-owned businesses involved the handmade. While handmade is still a big draw for creative stay-at-home moms with marketplace services like Etsy, others are relying on the Internet and acquiring a website from a cheap hosting with domain company to start a marketing, social media coaching, or web design site for example.

Those with writing aspirations start blogs about their daily mom life using platforms such as WordPress. Other stay-at-home moms eat it up, and as the readership rises, companies take note. Some are offered thousands of dollars in free product each month as long as they blog a review, and others are offered book and movie deals like Jen Singer, mother of two and founder of

Cheap Hosting Helps WAHM's Become Breadwinners: Big Benefits

Not only does starting up a business from home allow the mother to be there for each and every milestone in the lives of her children, it also allows her to become more than “just a mom.” Although being a mom is a rewarding experience, that is how the at-home mom is often viewed. Nothing infuriates an at-home mom more than someone saying, “Oh, you're just a mom.”

It is not easy, balancing both work and child rearing at the same time while at home but it is possible, as evidenced by the thousands upon thousands of women that make it happen each and every day. If it weren't for cheap hosting, would it even be possible?

Image Courtesy of Sean MacEntee Via Flickr Creative Commons

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