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5 Ways to Create Original Content Posts

Create Original Content Posts

It's tough to find great content topics to write about, isn't it? It can seem like everything has already been written about. It can also seem like nobody is reading or caring what you write about! But, that's not true

If you're getting readers to your site, people are viewing your content. The trick is to make sure that your content shines, so that people will like what they read – and want to share what they read on Facebook and on other social networks. Here are five ways to come up with great content ideas.

  1. Go with a list : People love list posts – like the one you're reading right now. But, don't just fill those posts full of fluff. Make sure that your lists have a value, meaning and purpose. Google likes lists too, so do keep that in mind when it's time to create.
  2. Provide a useful guide : Most people searching for something on Google want help. If you can provide that kind of specific help, your blog is more apt to be read. When you create a guide, fill it full of great steps and details that people can understand (examples are great too). Are you an expert at something? There's no better way to stand out than by writing a guide.
  3. Grab what's hot : Is a topic related to your industry trending right now? Do you have something that perfectly coincides with what's happening in the world? Why not try to wrap that information into a blog post? You can take advantage of popular tags and social media to really get your point out.
  4. Go for a niche : If you have a really great idea or truth that you want to explore, let people know about this thing. Even if that idea seems really strange or odd to you, it will pay off for those people that are looking for what you're selling. Never underestimate the power of a niche market.
  5. Be honest : I absolutely hate it when blog posts aren't honest, don't you? Why lie to your audience? If you are having doubts, questions, or fears, let people know. The more human you are in a post, the more people will trust you – and trust is always a good thing.

Create Original Content Posts: What Not to Do

Some people might recommend looking at what your competitors are doing, and then copy that technique exactly. I'm going to caution you against doing this. Why? Because it has been done. It's doubtful that you will reinvent the wheel or do something that nobody else has ever done, but you should try – at all costs – to be original.

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